Knock John Fort on 28th September 2003


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Red Sands .... in 2003


Shivering Sands .... in 2003


Knock John .... A brief history.


Thames map...




Knock John Naval Fort which housed Radio Essex the UK's first local radio station. Small and relatively isolated out in the Thames Estuary but home to a lively little station during the 1960's which eventually changed its name to BBMS (Britains Better Music Station).


Above ... Knock John Naval fort seen from the "PS Waverley" in 2003.


Knock John in 2003 ... sideview!


Knock John fort close up......


Knock John fort was used by the following offshore radio stations:-

Radio Essex from 7/11/65 to 30/11/66
B.B.M.S. from 30/11/66 to 25/12/66


Home Page


Red Sands photos .... in 2003


Shivering Sands photos .... in 2003


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